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SMS Webhooks

Learn how to enable and manage SMS webhooks on your Proxidize dashboard for seamless API communication between Proxidize and other systems.

Sofia Al-Silawi avatar
Written by Sofia Al-Silawi
Updated over 8 months ago

Feature Support


Proxidize Business

Proxidize Enterprise

SMS Webhooks



Webhooks are basically triggers sent programmatically from one system to another when a specific action occurs.

SMS webhooks allow sending API calls between the Proxidize system and another system enabled from the Proxidize dashboard.

This first should be allowed from the Proxidize dashboard to work with SMS webhooks. This can be done from the Settings tab > Dashboard > SMS Webhooks > Enable

A screenshot of the Proxidize Dashboard.

A screenshot of the Proxidize Dashboard.

Once webhooks are enabled, the webhooks panel will appear on the tab list found on the left of your dashboard:

A screenshot of the Proxidize Dashboard.

Under this tab, you can perform the below actions:

  1. Add new webhooks

  2. Delete all/specific webhooks

  3. Check the status of webhooks

  4. Edit webhooks

Adding New Webhooks

  1. Click on "Add a new webhook".

  2. Fill in the parameters for the new webhook.

    1. Webhook Modems

      You can select single or multiple modems.

      A screenshot of the Proxidize Dashboard.

    2. Webhook Link

      The webhook URL.

    3. Webhook Notes

      An identifier to mark and track the webhook.

      A screenshot of the Proxidize Dashboard.

Deleting All/Specific Webhooks

All webhooks can be deleted at once using the "Delete all webhooks" button. Specific webhooks can be deleted using the "Delete Webhook" button at the end of each row.

A screenshot of the Proxidize Dashboard.

Checking Webhook Status

The status of each webhook can be checked from the "Settings" tab or the "SMS Webhook" panel.

Edit Webhooks

Webhooks can be edited from the "SMS Webhook" panel by clicking on each parameter configured for the webhook.

A screenshot of the Proxidize Dashboard.

Example of a webhook response:​

{"to_number": "18298765532", "from_number": "61551", "to_modem_index": 6, "content": "Test webhook message", "timestamp
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