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Access Shared Proxies

Learn how to access shared proxies via your Proxidize dashboard.

Sofia Al-Silawi avatar
Written by Sofia Al-Silawi
Updated over 8 months ago

How to Access Shared Proxies

Shared proxies are the way you can create proxies to be able to sell them; with plenty of Proxidize features, you will be able to customize your shared proxy to your liking. You can access shared proxies by going to the shared proxies tab on the left side of the Proxidize dashboard.

  1. Click on the shared proxies tab.

    Shared proxies tab - Proxidize Dashboard

  2. Click "Create New Proxy," where this tab will be shown on this screen.

    Create new proxy - Proxidize Dashboard

  3. From this tab, you can customize all the options you need to make a shared proxy to sell it; here's a detailed explanation of every feature.

    Proxy config - Proxidize Dashboard

Proxy Config:

  • Modem Index: The shared proxies will be created from the dedicated proxies shown in the proxy list or device list tab; as shown in the image we've provided, a shared proxy will be made from modem index #1.

  • Proxy type indicates the type of proxy you will create, HTTP IPv4/IPv6 or SOCKS IPv4/IPv6 proxy.

  • Proxy port: This indicates the port number the shared proxy will use; you can specify a specific port, select a port number from a particular range, or use a random port.

  • Proxy Authentication: Username/Password: This sets a username and a password for your shared proxy.

  • Proxy Traffic Limitation: Limit duration/amount: This sets the shared proxy to expire after consuming a certain amount of data per duration.
    Example: You can set the proxy to expire after consuming 50 megabytes per week.

  • Whitelist/Blacklist Websites: You can choose the website the shared proxy's user can or cannot access.

  • Proxy Expiry Check: You can set the shared proxy to expire at a specific date by toggling on the button next to "Expiring Proxy?" and then choosing the expiry date you want the shared proxy to expire according to.

  • Proxy Comment: You can add your comments here.

After creating the shared proxy, you should see it in the proxy list under the shared proxies tab, where you should be able to click on the button "Copy Proxy," which copies all the proxy information you need to your clipboard.

Proxy information - Proxidize Dashboard

Here are the steps you can use to access the shared proxy:

  1. Open up Mozilla Firefox or any web extension you use to access the proxies; in this instance, we will use the default web extension in Mozilla Firefox to use the proxy.
    You can head over to the settings tab in Mozilla Firefox, where you can type in proxy in the search bar to find the proxy extension.

    Access shared proxy step 1

  2. Click on the settings button in the image above, where this screen should appear.

    Access shared proxy step 2

  3. After toggling on the radio button for "Manual Proxy Configuration," you should be able to insert the information regarding the proxy that you have copied to your clipboard.

  4. Please note that you must enter your local IP to test your shared proxies locally. And your public IP address if you are testing on an external device.

    If you are unsure of which IP to use, please refer to the article:

    Accessing the proxies externally will only work if you have forwarded the ports of the proxies in your router. Please refer to this article on how to forward the ports:

    Access shared proxy step 3

  5. Once you hit "Ok," your browser will be connected through the shared proxy. To test the proxy, you will need to open a new tab and visit any site,, for example.
    If the proxy works, you will be asked to enter the username and password you've set to the shared proxy at the creation step. And you're all set!

If you still have issues configuring/accessing your shared proxies internally, please contact the technical support team over the live chat on the website: to help you fix the problem.

Issues with accessing the proxies internally might be related to your ISP closing the ports from their end, even if your router rules are configured to allow communication. You can refer to the article here to confirm if this is indeed the case:

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