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Copy Proxy Options

Learn how to copy proxy information from the device list on Proxidize.

Sofia Al-Silawi avatar
Written by Sofia Al-Silawi
Updated over 8 months ago

This guide outlines the process of copying proxy information from the device list on our platform. By following these steps, you can obtain the necessary details to connect to different proxy types associated with specific modems.

Navigate to the device list, where you will find a plus button "+" next to each modem. Click on the plus button to expand a small window containing detailed information about the selected modem.

Device list - Proxidize Dashboard

One of the options is the "copy proxy" option. Clicking on the copy proxy option opens a small list that contains the following options:

Copy Proxy - Proxidize Dashboard
  • Copy HTTP IPv4 proxy: Copy the information needed to connect to the HTTP IPv4 proxy.

  • Copy HTTP IPv6 proxy: Copy the information needed to connect to the HTTP IPv6 proxy.

  • Copy SOCKS IPv4 proxy: Copy the information needed to connect to the SOCKS IPv4 proxy.

  • ​Copy SOCKS IPv6 proxy: Copy the information needed to connect to the SOCKS IPv6 proxy.

Each proxy type has a distinct port number for connection. For instance, the default port range for HTTP IPv6 proxies is in the 300x range. The copied information varies based on the "proxy format" chosen from the settings tab. You have two options to choose from:

Proxy format - Proxidize Dashboard


The formats are chosen based on how your proxy application accepts them.

If you need any more help or questions, please feel free to contact our support team.

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